Lert News

Dear Kiwi,

The year started with two weather events. Between the two, Auckland-Thames and then Greymouth-Hokitka we sent 50 alerts.
We had contributions from the Lert community with many pictures and exclusive information which became alerts. This is exactly how we like to run our service - with the community being our eyes and ears.
We hope you weren't affected.
With the extreme temperatures recently we also sent alerts on staying hydrated. If you're dehydrated it can take several hours to recover and can even need a doctor. We still have plenty of summer ahead of us!

Individualised Alerts

Alerts are individualised just for you. Getting too many alerts? Just login and change your alert-level to medium, high, or even severe.

Road Alerts

Our priority road alert service is Txt road alerts, ideal for travellers, truckies, couriers, sales reps etc. It's the only dedicated national Txt road alert service, and is just $5/month. You get significant alerts for the Island you register in.
We are trialling e-mail only road alerts through our service. This is for testing purposes only. You won't get all alerts, it's just a free extra at present - not suitable for commercial drivers.

Eyes and Ears

If you see something, we welcome your reports, ESPECIALLY crashes. These have proven themselves time and again - often getting alerts out long before official sources, and with greater accuracy too. Please include what, where, when and source: "personal" or "third party".

E-mail Only

Low-evel and alerts are sent as e-mail only, which keeps our subscription low at $2/month. If we were to send all alerts as Txt we'd have to charge about $6/mth.

Help a friend

If you like our service we would really appreciate you sharing with your friends and suggest they join the free e-mail service. We really want to keep as many people safe as possible. You'd be surprised how many people don't know about Lert Info.

Quick tips

  1. Here's a useful You Tube clip for survival ideas with minimal equipment
  2. Put non extinguishing party candles in your go bag
  3. You can also dip matches in wax to waterproof them
  4. If you need a torch, get an LED one; much longer lasting; preferably 350+ lumens

All the best!

The Lert Info team

Alerting New Zealand

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